Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sign Slipped Into The Water

Prime Minister Liang died. Hoei Coe and left there with the intention of applying for the position. When he crossed the river in a boat, he slipped and plunged into the water. With a swift boater to help, so Hoei Coe not to drown.
After the passengers dressed boat, the boatman was approached and asked, "Where are you really, really seemed rushed - so hurry?"
"I'll go to the land of Liang, to apply for the post of Prime Minister. Did you know that the Prime Minister Liang has just died? " The boatman laughed - heartily. " Why are you laughing?" Ask Hoei Coe.
"I laugh because you are very funny. Just stepped on the boat floor you can not afford, so rolled off splashed into the water and if there is no me you necessarily have to be fish food. Odds you can run the entire country ! "
"Oh, so therefore you laugh. When it comes to driving the boat, and running on it, did I just do not match for you. However, in the affairs of the State to manage and regulate, do not let your dream too far by comparing boating skills. Because it's not the slightest portion, the boatman, " said Hoei Coe.

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