Duke Ping from the Tjin country once said to Se Kuang, a blind musician.
"I was 70 years old now, it's too late to re-learn to read a book."
"Too late? Why not put the candle? "Said Se Kuang.
"Do not insult, what to do with lighting candles?" Asked the Duke Ping bit offended.
Se Kuang and replied, "I'm just a servant who was blind, which dared to host joke? Indeed if the youth studied hard, the days ahead will be bright as the dawn appeared. If he learned at the age of middle-aged, it can be said as the sun is above us, still have hope. And if he studied hard after old age, it will be like the candle light only. This means that, although only just light a candle, yet better than studying in the dark, with feeling - around. "
"True to your word!" Duke Ping said firmly.
Suo Juen
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