Thursday, September 17, 2009

Silver Chalice and Chalice Land

There used to be a man who felt very sorry, because it has a very bad wife face. Employer knows this. One day he called his employees into space in his house. But before the employee went in there, he had prepared two bowls, one made of silver and the other from the ground.
After the employee had reached before him, he poured the wine into a silver cup. Then he let the employees take them.
"How does it feel? Good? "Ask the employer to probe.
"Excellent," said the employee.
Then the employer poured wine again, now into the cup made from the ground. He also let the employees take them, too.
"How did this last wine. Good? "Ask the employer.
"Very good, sir," replied the employee was so excited.
"Where's good with this wine, which I offer you a cup of silver?" Inquired the employer again.
"Not good. Was one type of wine, I think, sir, "replied the employee with a surprise. He watched the employer with a big question in his mind. He did not know what I mean master.
"You know, the wine was from the same type, either poured into a silver cup and saucer land. Just place all the other containers. Contents are the same. No different. This is also a problem of a wife. Not pretty or ugly that should make you happy or sad. Like a good wine, where wine is poured, the container ugly or beautiful, it was nonetheless, will remain good, "the employer said firmly.
The employee is now aware of the purpose of his employer. And since then he no longer felt masgul or sad, however ugly his wife. He began to feel grateful given the wife by the Lord as his wife now. Because of that, he began to see nature - the nature of both his wife, and could be nice to him. It was then that he felt happy married life with him.

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